Saturday, May 16, 2015

DredNerd Fit by 50 Newsletter #1

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor or other medical professional. I am only relating the experiences of my fitness journey, specifically this attempt to become my fittest self ever between the ages of 49 and 50. So, before you try any of the tips or techniques I cover get cleared by your doctor!

Now that the legalese is out of the way.

Tip #1 Daily Resting Pulse

I was reminded of something I did for years while listening to the Strength Matters Podcast Episode 15: Mobility for the Aging Population with Steve Maxwell. He recommended taking your pulse every morning before you get out of bed. Take your pulse every day for a week and record it in a notebook to get a baseline. Find the average. If your resting pulse goes 7+BPM* (Beats Per Minute) above your average you’re probably over training, take an extra day off. If your BPM is 3-6 BPM above your average take it easier in your workout that day.

I used to use just my fingers and my trusty IronMan watch, you can use any watch or clock with a second hand or the ability to track seconds. You can find your pulse at your temple, in your neck just below your ear near the point of your jaw or at your wrist. Count the beats for 20 seconds, multiply by three and there you have it your resting pulse or heart rate. If you have a smartphone you can use an app like the one I use Azumio Instant Heart Rate to take and record your pulse. You can even connect it to Google Fit.

I used this method for years until I got out of the habit of exercising. After years it slipped from my mind. Thanks to the guys at Strength Matters for the podcasts and the reminder! That brings us to…

Tip #2 Always Keep Learning!

You should always keep learning about health and fitness. This does not necessarily mean to train with endless variation. You have to be consistent with your routines enough to build a foundation. However, that does not mean you should not learn everything you can about the subject and use some variety. Crossfit is an excellent example of controlled variety. The WODs (Workouts Of the Day) often seem random but they are not. You’ll notice a cycle to the routines. You’ll also notice that they are built around fundamental movement patterns: squat, push, pull, hinge, press, jump, run, row, throw, carry. If you examine the seemingly random WODs you’ll find some combination of variations on those movements.

That’s a bit of a digression. Where I was going was find podcasts, magazines, books, websites or even television shows that teach fitness. However, again don’t just jump in and do what you see. Examine, compare and contrast. Remember fancy doesn’t always mean better. In fact, usually the simpler the routine the better for most people. Focus on quality of movement.

Tip #3 Functional Movement Screen

Almost everyone has some mobility and/or stability issues. Even people who don’t think they have issues probably do. I know I have issues. I’ve been injured playing football, playing basketball, lifting weights, etc. I have a sedentary job, although I recently transitioned to a standing desk. I train for a few months and then don’t train for a few months (Although I’m not going to sink into that pattern this time!). All of those things and more lead to mobility and stability issues.

As per Tip #2 I’ve still always been learning about health and fitness. One of the things I learned about was the Functional Movement Screen. The FMS was developed by Gray Cook, physical therapist, and Lee Burton, PhD in Athletic Training. I found the FMS to be quite humbling.

In the FMS you do 7 moves and are scored by a professional on a scale of 1 - 3 (Example Video). Three is good. Actually if you feel any pain in a movement, you get a zero and will be referred to a medical professional of some sort. The movements are Squat, Hurdle Step, Inline Lunge, Shoulder Mobility Test, Active Straight Leg Raise, Push Up, and the Rotary Stability Test. As you can see the best score is 21, I got a 9 today. I got ones on everything except Hurdle Step and Push Up where I got twos.

As I said humbling. But I also got corrective exercises to help with all the issues of ankle, shoulder and hip mobility, as well as core stability and hamstring flexibility. Well worth it. I highly recommend going to the site, finding a professional in your area and getting screened.

That’s it for this week’s edition of the DredNerd Fit by 50 Newsletter. Let me know how I did in this edition. Ask me any questions you have that you would like to have addressed at This newsletter will also be posted at

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